World Class Petite Models Magazine would like to welcome amazing USA model Savannah Vinson.
Name: Savannah Vinson
City/Country of Birth: I was Born in a small town called Switzerland County
Based in: New York
Height: I’m 5”6
Age: I am 19 years old
Zodiac Sign: I’m a Capricorn
Languages you speak: English
World Class Petite Models Magazine: When and why did you decided become a model?
Before modeling I competed in pageants around the world, I always loved being in front of the camera! One day I found out you can get paid to take pictures so I went for it and made that my career.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: Tell us about your first catwalk.
The first runway show was in Cincinnati Ohio for J-Petterman.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: What was the last fashion show that you've done?
My last runway show was for NYFW. I walked at pier 51 for designer lady wolf
World Class Petite Models Magazine: What brands or designers that you worked for?
I have modeled for Marc Jacobs fragrance daisy, black pyramid, Tommy Hilfiger, Sephora, Macy’s, Target & much more!
World Class Petite Models Magazine: Do you prefer runway or work in commercial and campaigns?
My favorite type of work is Commercial / print modeling.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: What would be your dream client?
My dream client to walk for is Gucci.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: Who is your favorite designer or brand?
My current favorite clothing brand is Zara. I’m obsessed with their clothing designs.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: When did you decide to move to NY and model?
I graduated high school a year early at age 17 and moved to nyc on my own. I didn’t know any body! I made a list of what I wanted to achieve and I marked them all off since then! Manifest & be confident in what you do.
World Class Petite Models Magazine: You are also an actress, tell us more about it.
I’m currently filming a huge project and I’m so excited to share it with everyone! I also have a co star role in a new hallmark movie coming out next year! I love being able to play multiple characters and meeting new people on set!
World Class Petite Models Magazine: Tell us where we can find you?
My Instagram is @_Queen.Sav_
tik tok is Savannahvinsonn
World Class Petite Models Magazine would like to say thank you for this wonderful interview.
Interview by Maria Fernanda Capicci Editor in Chief of World Class Argentina Models Magazine and World Class Argentina Fashion Magazine

Model: Savannah Vinson, World Class Petite Models Magazine, Photo by Montes Way

Model: Savannah Vinson, World Class Petite Models Magazine, Photo by Ronnick Sinclair

Model: Savannah Vinson, World Class Petite Models Magazine, Photo by Ronnick Sinclair Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans iffocares.org

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