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Your Anxiety & Your Wellness by Kaanchan S Farkiya

Your Anxiety & Your Wellness by Kaanchan S Farkiya Ms. Asian North America 2016-17, World Class Beauty Queens California Ambassador 2018, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine,
Your Anxiety & Your Wellness by Kaanchan S Farkiya Ms. Asian North America 2016-17, World Class Beauty Queens California Ambassador 2018, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine,

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to share with you amazing article. Your Anxiety & Your Wellness by Kaanchan S Farkiya Ms. Asian North America 2016-17, World Class Beauty Queens California Ambassador 2018.

Did you know that anxiety disorders differ from normal feelings of nervousness? It is the most

common form of emotional disorder. It’s true that anxiety is a normal and often healthy emotion

and it can occur when a person fears that something bad is going to happen. Your feeling of

depression, anger, irritability, feeling overwhelmed, unmotivated, or unfocused are some of the psychological and emotional signs. Anxiety is a non-medical term that refers to a feeling of fear or worry that often relates to a particular issue or concern and It has to become quite common among all age groups.

Long-term anxiety increases the risk of illnesses and it could be both physical and or mental

health disorders, such as depression. However, anxiety is treatable in most cases and people can enjoy a good quality of life. Anxiety is different than a panic attack. Anxiety shows a specific trigger, such as an exam or stress-related issues. It is not a diagnosed condition due to its mildness. Hence, it’s less severe from a panic attack. It usually involves physical symptoms.

Remember that anxiety orients us to danger and prepares our bodies to either challenge or escape it. Anxiety can also motivate us to take action, for any important deadline.

On the other hand, a panic attack does not have a specific trigger. Only a licensed professional can diagnose panic disorder. Anxiety and panic attacks are two different things, but it can occur as part of an anxiety or panic disorder. Anxiety doesn't vanish forever. It's just like any other feeling you have—sadness, happiness, frustration, anger, love, and so on. An anxiety attack can happen in both calm as well as in anxious conditions. It can show a total loss of control or imminent death. Here we will get familiar with the anxiety which is quite common nowadays.

Fast facts About Anxiety

Anxiety involves excessive fear, apprehension related emotions, and varies according to the

circumstances. Anxiety disorders are the most common of mental disorders and can interfere

with job performance, academic, and social life. Other common anxiety disorders include panic disorder, specific phobias, separation anxiety disorder, etc. An anxiety attack usually involves a fear of some specific occurrence or problem such as a major life change like switching careers or moving to a new city.

According to the American Psychiatric Association, nearly 50% of Americans diagnosed with

depression are also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and women are twice as likely to be

affected as men. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,

anxiety is characterized by a feeling of persistent worry that hinders an individual's ability to

relax. Mild anxiety might be vague, unsettling, and different people respond to different stressful situations. Anxiety disorders can be caused by several factors, including trauma, stress buildup, or family history of mental health issues. However, it is highly treatable who receive adequate treatment or counseling. In 2017, an estimated 284 million people worldwide experienced an anxiety disorder that was the most prevalent mental health disorder around the globe.

Symptoms of Anxiety

Anxiety feelings can range from mild butterflies in your stomach to a high heart-beat rate. That

out of control feeling and people may experience nightmares, painful thoughts, or memories that disconnect your mind and body.

You may have symptoms of general anxiety include:

 worrying

 restlessness

 trouble focusing

 increased heart rate

 rapid breathing

 difficulty falling asleep

Your anxiety symptoms might be different from someone else’s. On the other hand, an anxiety

attack is a feeling of overwhelming apprehension, worry, distress, or fear. For many people, an anxiety attack builds slowly. Common symptoms of an anxiety attack are:

 feeling faint or dizzy

 shortness of breath

 dry mouth

 sweating

 chills

 apprehension and worry

 restlessness

 distress and fear

 numbness or tingling

When you find these symptoms, it is time to take a break or ask for help.

Cause of Anxiety

First, you need to understand that anxiety is a useful emotion that helps us to alert for potential

threats or something that we are not ready for it. Researchers are not sure of the exact cause of

anxiety it could include brain chemistry, genetic, and environmental factors. The cause of

anxiety often relates to a specific event or situation.

To diagnose anxiety, it requires a lengthy process of physical and mental health evaluations, with psychological questionnaires. If someone diagnosed with anxiety along with the doctors,

therapist, or psychologist treatment and lifestyle changes may help to cope with the symptoms

and more manageable for day-to-day life.


Anxiety and Stress

Stress and anxiety are two sides of the same coin. Stress can be caused by an event or activity

that makes you worrisome and anxiety is that same worry or unease. Sometimes, anxiety can

also occur without any obvious stressors. That’s why stress management techniques are essential.

Stress management can fall into two categories:

1. Problem-based that aims to eliminate sources of stress

2. Emotion-based that aids you in becoming less emotionally reactive to the stressors.


It’s normal to feel anxious about moving to take a test or going for an interview. This type of

anxiety is irksome, can provide you an incentive to accomplish the challenge you have.

However, it’s persistency, interfere with your daily life then it’s important to seek treatment. In

the case of an anxiety disorder, the feeling of consternation may be with you all the time. It is

intense and sometimes enfeebling.

Some people with mild anxiety disorder, decide to live with the condition and do not seek

treatment. An author Laura E. also mentioned in her book “The Brain Compatible Classroom”

that the physical reactions in the body are caused by the hypothalamus which is the front part of the brain that works on calming the emotions, while the back part of the hypothalamus initiates the secretion of stress hormones.

Children With Anxiety:

Children also have to deal with stress in their lives. Some children live in homes or attend

schools where physical threats are prevalent. Even the relatively simple or typical stressors for

children or young adults, such as friendship problems, home issues, being teased, feeling

unworthy, homework deadlines, and peer pressure. These can cause physical problems if the

stress is prolonged over time.

Anxiety in children can also become chronic and persistent. As a result, uncontrolled anxiety

may begin to interfere with daily activities. Anxiety Symptoms for children might include

Jitteriness, irritability, sleeplessness, feelings of fear or shame, and feelings of isolation.

However, Anxiety in children is natural and typically develops the skills to calm themselves with

feelings of anxiety. Adolescents may have many reasons to be apprehensive as they go through new life-changing experiences and possibly more symptoms of anxiety frequently. These symptoms may include nervousness, shyness, isolationist behaviors, and withdraw from

situations. You may see some unusual behaviors and cause parents to misunderstood their kids in many cases. Diagnosing both depression and anxiety conditions is important so that treatment can address before the situation get worst.

Stress certainly affects young children and students in their learning. As described in a scientific journal Nature Neuroscience (1998) that more cortisol can cause shrinkage of the hippocampus, which results in memory impairment. Stress usually stems from fear and teachers can help students deal with stress by fostering a student's sense of confidence and power. Listening and helping students limit some of those stressors and their effects. Simply having a teacher who cares enough to listen and help builds up the student's control over many situations. Some strategies such as relaxation and self-control can be better guided by a counselor or psychologist.

Establishing a safe environment in school and during extracurricular classes is another way we

can help students.

Other Added Disorders

Most of the time, anxiety disorders can disturb routine and could lead to eating disorders, sleep disorders, bipolar disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

According to the National Institutes of Health, anxiety disorders affect around 1 in 5 people in

the United States per year. Anxiety disorder can increase the risk of some illnesses mainly heart disease, diabetes, and depression.

It's natural to feel low sometimes, but if that low mood remains for many days, it could signal

depression. That could lead to a prolonged period of sadness for two or more weeks. We should know that depression is not a sign of being a pessimist personality. Major difficult events or situations can lead a person to feel distressed, forlorn, and frightened. Most people feel low and sad at times and these are normal reactions to life's stressors. However, people with depression, experience loss of interest or pleasure in daily activities and show a majority of specified symptoms, such as insomnia, eating disorder, lack of focus, or issue of self-esteem that tend to persist. Based on the study by Anxiety and Depression Association of America, symptoms of depression are different in people based on gender and age. Some symptom includes tiredness, irritability, and anger. It’s hard to recognize that they are depressed and fail to seek help.

Children can also have depression and they more likely to manifest as school refusal irritable

behavior, sullen, co-morbid anxiety, substance abuse, etc. Depression in older adults is more

common. However, they tend to be less likely to admit due to feelings of grief and medical


According to the National Institute of mental health old age, depression which has another name as Late-life depression affects about 6 million Americans ages 65 and older. However, only 10% receive treatment for depression and it’s a major public health problem. Depression in older people lasts longer with other medical illnesses and disabilities. Old age is often accompanied by circumstances and as a result, effective treatment often gets delayed, they struggle unnecessarily with depression.

How to Help:

Help someone who is perturbed to temper their thinking. Support your loved ones by reading or attending a therapy session with them. For example, many people in the pandemic have triggered increased loneliness and making in-person help harder to access. However, there are many anonymous online supports available.

If your loved one has trouble managing coercion, it’s probably best to encourage them to see a doctor or psychologist for the treatment. If you’re still feeling distressed and it is affecting your ability to sleep, eat, or your everyday work schedule, consider talking to a psychotherapist.

There are some strategies you can do to help people suffering from anxiety:

1. Know your triggers: Ask some questions to yourself and try to recognize the cause of

your stress and anxiety.  If you can’t find the answers ask someone to help. Does your

specific food, routine or tasks make it worse? Consider changing it. For example, you

may have a busy lifestyle that can make your favorite tasks incomplete. Try to make time

to sit down to think about your lifestyle.

2. Find their patterns: If you see that your loved one is too fussy and you know that it’s a

pattern for expressing their anxiety.  Ask their permission first If you’re going to do help

them for their anxiety-driven patterns.

3. Types of Support: Match the type of support they prefer rather than guess! Some people

prefer concrete practical support and other people are more likely to prefer emotional


4. Exercise and Activity: Avoid long hours sitting and try some walking. Do some exercise

of your choice every day. Going for a walk, ideally away from an urban environment is

also effective. Music, gardening, joining a choir, Zumba, or having a warm relaxing bath

or shower can ease stress and take your mind off your worries for a while.

Some breathing techniques, stretching, and relaxation, meditation, etc. can help reduce stress

and anxiety. The right way of deep breathing helps in controlling and functioning your

emotions. Sit straight and take a long deep inhale in the deep of your stomach and then

exhale while flattening your stomach. It will induce feelings of safety and relaxation. Be

consistent in your practice for 5 to 10 minutes a day. Many meditation techniques can also

reduce anxiety and stress.

5. Be social: Spend time with friends and family, or join any support group. You may find

some changes in your mood.

6. Set goals: Set small goals first and find the purpose to keep you going that will help your

mind off the problem at hand. Plan your daily schedule and set the priority for your work.

7. Find Compassion and Understand: Find compassion by paying attention to how

anxiety evinces in the person you care about, you can understand their patterns and could

help the person. Understand differences in how anxiety manifests for different people,

one of these responses such as fight, flight, or freeze typically dominates for people.

8. Take charge of your self-worth

People from marginalized communities, low self-steam, or feelings of less for your self-

worth affect how you see yourself. Your negative self-image can play a big role and give a

direct message to your subconscious mind which can lead to anxiety. Be a driver of your

thinking and take charge of your self-worth by learning and thinking with positive self-talk.

If you see anything negative to yourself, try to improve it with self-compassion. Surround

yourself with positive people who know your value and understand you better. misguided

opinions of others will not help your anxiety disorder. So, define your self-worth. Choose an

empowering quote and thoughts from your mentor, teacher, or your favorite books. Read this

quote daily and try to use it in your life.

9. Be a Good Listener

Listening to someone is the best practice to understand someone. Instead of reacting to

someone’s opinions listen to understand.  Practicing nonreactive listening can be applied to

any situation, including when interacting with people who have different opinions than yours.

listen to someone without any judgment, to understand first, and then respond.

Figure out what you do care about and do things that make you feel good. When you spend

more free time with family, friends, and social activities, you may realize you’ll feel much

more at peace. Make small changes to help navigate your anxiety and rather than letting life

happen to us we can take control over what we don’t like.


Prevention and Awareness

According to health-line parenthood, lifestyle changes are a natural way to relieve some of the

anxiety. In some cases, these lifestyle changes could be a positive way to help eliminate some

anxiety. Most of the natural “remedies” consist of taking care of your mind and body. Anxiety

can be a symptom of clinical depression and can be managed with treatments such as counseling, medications, and lifestyle changes. Anxiety disorders can be treated with counseling, talk therapy, medication, or a combination of all.

Health expert’s treatment and counseling are commonly used to treat anxiety. In addition, some research suggests the foods you eat may have a beneficial impact on your brain These foods include: chamomile, turmeric, dark chocolate, yogurt, green tea, and many more. Remember Herbal supplements aren't monitored by the FDA and natural doesn't always mean safe. Before taking any herbal supplement as a treatment for anxiety, talk to your doctor first.

Here are some simple and effective ways to battle anxiety without medication.

Talking to a trusted friend is one way to cope with the anxiety that can help you to learn to

manage it and live a happy and healthy life.

 Get moving and do some walk or exercise

 Break up with caffeine too much. Use it in moderation or use green smoothies instead.

 Give yourself adequate bedtime and take at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep.

 Feel OK saying no! Only commit your task to something if you really can do it.

 Don't skip meals instead eat small portions but frequent meals.

 Live in the present moment and do not think about your unhappy past all the time.

Treatment options for anxiety and related problems are different from person to person.

Anyone who feels overwhelmed by stress or anxiety you can consider seeking professional help and it is important to see a registered psychologist or health professional for advice in your area. If you know someone who is having thoughts of suicide, you can call helpline according to your country. In the USA The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-TALK (8255). The line is open 24/7 and all calls are confidential. There are many community resources and support out there that offer free and confidential services for those who have experienced sexual assault, intimate partner violence, etc.


We live in an increasingly uncertain world and we don’t know what will come next. So Today…. find the time to just stop and ask yourself few questions. What small thing do you love the most? “What makes you happy?” What inspires you to move to do something positive? what do you care about deep inside? Your story might be critical but the courage and strength for overcoming obstacles are unique to you. Good thing is that most emotional disorders can be treated, even in severe cases. In many cases your will-power helps you to learn to manage it and live a happy and healthy life. Remember, the person who can contribute to your mental health the most is ultimately you. Today, take a moment, pause for a minute and find amazement in your world. World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this amazing article.

Your Anxiety & Your Wellness by Kaanchan S Farkiya Ms. Asian North America 2016-17, World Class Beauty Queens California Ambassador 2018, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine,

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