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Kristi Wischnack TKS Elite Mrs International 2019

Writer's picture: Derek TokarzewskiDerek Tokarzewski

Kristi Wischnack TKS Elite Mrs International 2019, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine,
Kristi Wischnack TKS Elite Mrs International 2019, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Devine studios in Kansas City

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Kristi Wischnack TKS Elite Mrs International 2019.

Full name: Kristi Wischnack

Title/Year: TKS Elite Mrs International 2019

Pageant System: TKS Mrs International

Age: 46

Zodiac sign: Virgo

Hobbies: traveling, exploring the world and taking in new cultures

Platform: Organ Donation and Addiction Recovery Reform

Years competed: 5

Countries visited: 8 in 2019

Likes: I love genuine kind people, I love to laugh and most of all I love learning new things.

Dislikes: Negativity, selfish people and spicy food. 

Status: Happily Married 

World Class Beauty Queens: Please tell us about yourself.

I am a wife, mother of 6, grandmother of 2, small business owner, pageant director and motivator. I try every day to be a better person than I was a the day before. In 2019 I was lucky enough to travel the world, but was also unfortunate to suffer a tragic loss of my oldest child Zackery and my father within weeks of each other. I have had to learn how to re-navigate life through a new lens while continuing to leave a legacy that will be most impactful to all those around me.

I love mentoring women, inspiring others to reach their goals while being true to themselves. I believe that the best gift one can give themself is the self-respect to live their most authentic life.

World Class Beauty Queens: What does women Empowerment means to you?

To me women empowerment means supporting and encouraging all women around us. Even through our differences lifting up others, showing them love and being an inspiration. We all have hard times, difficult moments and we all need help making what seems like the impossible, possible. Through our life lessons and knowledge I feel we can strengthen each other to overcome any obstacle set in our way. 

World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your pageant history.

At the age of 41 I stepped foot onto the pageant stage for the very first time.  Placing first runner up my very first pageant had me completly hooked. I competed within the same system the following two years placing second runner up and first runner up. In 2016 I traveled to Nashville Tennessee where I competed in a Ms division with women half my age. At this pageant I was blessed to win the National title of National Ms Unite. The National Ms Unite pageant was a pageant about uniting women from all pageant systems. Later that year I was blessed to represent the state of Nebraska at the Mrs United States Pageant. 

After figuring out what my strong assets were and where I was weak, I decided to adventure into a different system. I went to California and won the National title of Mrs US Earth 2017, from there I went on to the International stage and won the International title of Mrs Earth 2018. 

After getting a taste of the International stage I knew I wanted to do it again, this time outside of the United States.  During my rein with the blessing of the director I went to Malaysia to compete taking home 2nd runner up.  I then decided to put my focus not only on a "International Win" but one within the Elite division of women 40+.  Winning an Elite International title in Asia was my goal. I wanted to help other US women see the opportunity and share that experience through my own adventures. I began looking for the perfect fit.  In November 2019 I was honored to go to Singapore and compete at TKS Mrs International and won my current title of Elite Mrs International 2019. I knew this decision was how I would be able to make a global impact on many while growing my social media skills, public speaking and leave my mark in the world. 

World Class Beauty Queens: What inspired you to do your first pageant?

As young girls my daughters competed in pageants. After many years of traveling with them across the US my oldest daughter suggested I try a pageant to see what they went through.  In 2015 I took her advise and gave it a try. Once I stepped foot on stage, I knew I had found my path to making the world a better place. Having the opportunity to use this type of platform as my voice to bring good back to not only my community and state but across the nation and globe.

World Class Beauty Queens: Why did you choose to compete for your current title?

I knew I wanted to compete in Asia and Singapore was the perfect place. I had found that the culture, people and country to be the most welcoming to Americans, friendly and respectful. When Beverly Tan reached out to me, I knew it was the perfect fit. Helping others by impacting not only a few but many. Being the change in the world that showcases the achievements of women across the world.

World Class Beauty Queens: To those unfamiliar with your pageant system please tell us what is it about?

TKS Mrs International is about WOMWN. Showcasing the achievements of women from across the globe. All achievements no matter how big or small. Being impactful to those around you, sharing in likeness and differences. Building women up to reach their full potential and celebrating each milestone together. 

World Class Beauty Queens: What are you being judged on during the competition?

The two week long event really looks at a lady for all her values. It isn't just about beauty, its about her inner beauty as well. How one connects with others, is she respectful and kind. The areas of competition were swimsuit, interview, optional talent,  national costume and evening gown. I loved the red carpet National Costume event. It is the moment for me that I got to express how proud I am to represent our beautiful county the USA.  

World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your experience during the competition.

I love everything about learning and experiencing new cultures. From the amazing food, to the people, the landscape, the music and more. Madam Tan really goes over and beyond for her contestants. The sit down elegant dinner was amazing. I have Never experienced so much food in my life. Trying and tasting all the new foods was wonderful. I also enjoyed the different parties, where we exchanged different type of gifts that represented  our countries holidays and treats from around the world. We all also got to share in five days exploring Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. I think this was the highlight for many. Finally the actual competition was full of glitz and glamour. It is much different to compete on an international level outside of your own country or at least outside of the USA. I personally love it. I love the variety, the uniqueness and how the visual aspect is put together and not always the same. 

World Class Beauty Queens: What appearances have you done with your title?

Unfortunately with the death of my son and the corona virus my appearances have been limited so far. I did attend a Sugar Plum ball where we raised money for pediatric cancer and I also have worked with Marleighs Ministries and delivered infant angel gowns to the hospital. I have been fortunate enough to be able to share our story online and help several mothers who have children suffering from opioid addiction. Helping these families with the struggle, finding hope and giving them resources is my focus for 2020. No parent should have to watch their loved one die due to overdose. In June I will be putting together a movement to support Organ Donation in honor of my son Zackery. 

World Class Beauty Queens: What are some of your achievements?

My greatest achievement is being a mother to my six beautiful children, Zack, Jacob, Reanna, Teagan, Brighton and Brenndon. Above all things, this will always be my greatest award and best life accomplishment. I've been blessed with many "AWARDS AND TITLES" but all those will fade as time passes, what is most important is the award of being a kind and humble person to all the around us. 

World Class Beauty Queens: What is your on stage strategy to win the judges over?

For me, it is to be one hundred percent authentically myself. I think if you are true to yourself, have fun and enjoy the journey the judges will see you for exactly who you are. Self worth and self confidence goes a very long ways on the stage. Making great eye contact and connecting with the judges without words are so important.

World Class Beauty Queens: What makes you stand out from all those other beautiful girls?

I believe that the trials and tribulations one goes through in life makes them vulnerable. Being able to share that vulnerability and be open and honest with others helps us all be connected. For me, I think that raw openness is something unique I bring to the table when I am with the judges. You only have a few minutes to let the panel of judges see you, so you have to go all in.

World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about the moment your name was called out as the winner.

Excitement, humbled and blessed are the best three words I can use to describe that moment. I remember the feeling like yesterday. When you work hard, prepare hard and go all in the feeling is so rewarding when you achieve your goal no matter what that goal is, in life or pageantry.

World Class Beauty Queens: What does it mean to you to be a Beauty Queen?

For me it is not about the "crown" it about the action of the titleholder. Doing good and making an impactful difference within the community, state or nation. By building the brand you represent you have the opportunity to build a legacy you can leave behind and carry on even after your reign. 

World Class Beauty Queens: How did competing in pageants help your life?

Pageantry has saved my life, not once but twice. In 2016 out of the blue, with no advance warnings I had a stroke. Thankfully I have no lasting side effects from the stroke. But during a pageant I met a woman to ultimately led me to the cardiologist who saved my life by finding an underlying birth defect in my heart which had been hidden my entire life. It was a miracle that I made it through a single pregnancy let alone 6 pregnancies with no complications. December of 2015 I had surgery to repair my heart.

In December 2019 My oldest son died after 6 long days in ICU. My pageant family saved me. They rallied around me supporting me, praying for me, checking on me, walking through the nightmare right by my side.  I never knew how many people I had walking in faith with me from former contestants, directors, coaches, vendors and my pageant sisters. I was so touched and I know that I would not make it through each day without them. Their kindness and love has forever changed who I am and made me forever grateful that pageantry became part of who I am.

World Class Beauty Queens: How did pageants helped your self-esteem and body image?

I'm not sure that pageantry itself changed either of these things, but I do think the people involved in pageantry did. When you have women from all walks of life, some single some married, some young some older cheering you on and encourage you in every step of the crazy process it is a pretty amazing feeling. Knowing we are all different and have different bodies but being comfortable in your own skin is key to success in pageantry. For me I worked harder every time I was going to be on stage,  to prove not only to myself but to those around me that age is only a number. If you take care of yourself, you can do anything you set your mind to.

World Class Beauty Queens: You are an inspiration to all the girls out there. How does it feel?

When you are put in the spotlight as a national or international title holder, knowing you are being a role model to others, I find it rewarding and humbling. As a mom of two girls, I think it is important to remember people are always watching and it's important to lead by example not by words. The spotlight will eventually fade, but the impact one can make in a year or more is forever. Each impactful moment will hopefully lead others to make another impactful choice. It's a cycle that can keep giving long after your crown is put away.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for learning better pageant walk?

Practice, practice practice. Watching yourself in front of a mirror with your heels on is most helpful. Finding a good coach, getting pointers and working hard to take the pointers to heart and correct. I spend many hours walking before EVERY competition. I think I get better every time and have taken every coaching  lesson I have had to heart. I try put that valuable information to use every time I practice alone or with someone else. With the mindset that I am not perfect, I can always get better.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for choosing right pageant dress?

I think it is less about the dress and more about the girl wearing the dress. Honestly if you love what you are wearing and can showcase that on the stage, the judges will see it. It is about confidence the dress gives you. I think practicing in your gown, knowing your body, your best body angles and making the gown work for you is also so important.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for winning interview?

I am a talker and really am not shy in this type of setting. I love meeting new people and finding common ground with them. For me interview is that opportunity to go in and find that common ground with the judge and make them relate to me. Through marriage, kids, family, travel or my platform. Remembering that the judges are also just people with real lives, jobs and families. 

World Class Beauty Queens: How did you prepare for your competition?

When I decide to compete I go all in!  I prepare for every moment of competition. I am blessed to have worked with several of the industries top coaches, who each have taught me life long skills. I think it is important to hone in on each strength or weakness from walking, speaking, to showing personality. Some of these things come easier for some and not for others. Each coach can offer a different viewpoint or tip to help. Finding your best self and being able to express that on stage goes a long ways. I think you have to be honest with yourself too. Knowing your weakness, reaching out to those who can help and being vulnerable to admit that you need work. 

World Class Beauty Queens: What is one mistake that you've done during competing you wish you could redo and fix it?

I am sure I have made plenty of mistakes but to be honest, I wouldn't change anything. Each moment has led me to some pretty amazing titles and also helped me meet some absolutely wonderful women and directors. I honestly know that I am right where I was suppose to be all along. The path was created long before I ever knew and now I just trust that I am following it as I am being told. 

World Class Beauty Queens: What other mistakes are made by girls during the contest?

There are no mistakes, but if I could give any advise it would be to find help in those who have walked before you. Find  coaches who have a good success rate themself. SO many people want to give advise, but it is really hard to give it if you haven't experienced it first hand. Nothing will ever replace experience.

World Class Beauty Queens: Any modeling or acting experience?

I modeled for Benetton, Heers Department Store, Contempo and others as a teen girl. I also did print modeling for many years in my 20's and 30's. 

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your plans for 2020 as a Queen?

In 2020 I am going to publish a book about my experiences in life. Good times and bad. Uplifting moment and heart break during my life, in hopes that it finds a way to inspire others.  I also hope to return to Singapore for some events as well as crown my successor. I will be working with some local recovering addicts to help my son Zackery's legacy live on while helping others who seek recovery.  I will do all this while also raising awareness of Organ Donation. 

World Class Beauty Queens: What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?

I hope to leave a legacy of kindness, hard work and compassion. I believe that while a crown is won, the real crown is held within our hearts. The crown doesn't make me who I am, it only opens more doors for others to see me. CoCo Chanel says it best "In order to be irreplaceable one must be different".

International Director: Madam Beverly Tan

National Director: Evan Skow

National Pageant website:

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this amazing interview!

Kristi Wischnack TKS Elite Mrs International 2019, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Devine studios in Kansas City

Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans

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