World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Jess Hosking Teen Miss Premier Elite 2021.
Full name: Jess Nikita Hosking
Title/year: Teen Miss Premier Elite 2021
Pageant system: Premier Elite Pageants
Age: 16
Education level: year 11
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Hobbies: Ice-skating, Acting, Ballet
Platform: The Blue Tree foundation
Years competed: 3
Countries visited: Reunion Island, Hawaii, Lombok
Likes: the beach, adventure, swimming, dancing
Dislikes: mushrooms, horror movies,
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Please tell us about yourself. I am a bubbly and adventurous queen who loves exciting activities and exploring new things. I love the outdoors and activities such as hiking, swimming, and surfing. I aspire to be kind to all those around me as a positive role model, as friend and to inspire others. In the future, I hope to be able to have the opportunity to travel and experience lots of new and exciting cultures whilst exploring new landscapes and experiencing new opportunities. I am currently in year 11 and can’t wait to finish school next year. I live with my parents, my sister and my beautiful dog Mahalo.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Please tell us about your education. I attended pre-primary in Christmas Island at Christmas Island District High School while my mother worked as a teacher with the Asylum Seekers. The rest of my primary school education was spent at Hillarys Primary, where I was head girl. I am currently attending Duncraig Senior High school. I am passionate about my French studies and have had the opportunity to participate in a one-month student exchange in Reunion Island. Once I graduate from year 12, I am still unsure of the path I am wishing to take, I will either enter into the air force or attend university here in Perth.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What does women empowerment mean to you? Women empowerment to me means that all girls stick together, and no one gets left behind regardless of any factors, like race, wealth, beauty, or age. We support each other and accept women's viewpoints, giving women the skills to be strong, confident and to be given equal opportunities, in the workplace and in life that do not reflect the historical inequities between gender.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell us about your pageant history. My first pageant was at Miss Fashion week, where I competed nationally in Melbourne. The connections I made and the people I met led me to Premier Elite Pageants in Perth where I competed in 2020. I did not win, however, the girl who had won had to step down from her position as queen leaving me to stand in. In 2021 however, I competed again and took home the crown!
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What inspired you to do your first pageant. One of my hobbies is ice-skating, and my coach since I started skating, was also a fashion designer. She inspired me as a person and sparked my love and interest in fashion, clothes and modelling, and ultimately inspired me to enter Miss Fashion week.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Why did you choose to compete for your current title? I chose to compete for my current title as I feel it is a great platform to help raise awareness for the Blue Tree Foundation, a charity that I am very passionate about. They are about helping people and raising awareness for mental health issues such as depression. By painting blue trees around Australia, people begin to become aware of this large issue surrounding our society and instead of brushing it off, people are forced to take notice.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: To those unfamiliar with your pageant system please tell us what it is about. Premier Elite pageants is a pageant system that was created as a platform to empower women of all ages to celebrate who they are and encourage them to use their skills and talents to make a positive impact on our world. It is not all about beauty but rather about who you are on the inside that counts. Your confidence, kindness, creativity and friendship.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are you being judged on during the competition? Though many people think the competition is purely based on beauty, a large proportion of the pageant is based on the charity work you do leading up to the pageant and how you help your community. You are also judged on many things that make up a good queen such as organisation, presentation, attitude, and the way you treat those around you. The pageant is far more than just the catwalk, the outfits and who’s the most beautiful. Who you are and the way you treat others is equally or even more important.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell us about your experience during the competition. I had so much fun over the weekend that the pageant took place! I met so many different people and enjoyed every minute of it. The weekend was jam-packed full of fun activities, rehearsals, interviews, and time to socialise and have fun with the other girls.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell us about your platform or what cause do you volunteer for.
The platform that I am raising money and awareness for is the Blue Tree Foundation, which raises awareness for mental health. Recently my cousin took her own life due to mental health issues and this took a big toll on my family. This is a reality every day for many families out there and it is extremely important that people are aware and can help and support those that need it.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What appearances have you done with your title? I have done so many throughout this year that it’s hard to list them all, but a few of my favourite appearances were being able to volunteer at the WA Italian club where we raised money for MSWA. I also really enjoyed being able to attend other pageants in Perth to support friends and fellow pageant sisters that had been made throughout my pageant journey.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are some of your achievements? One of my greatest achievements outside of pageants was going over to Sydney to compete in the National finals for synchronised ice-skating. We had worked so hard as a team, and it was great to see our work pay off. I won a science scholarship at the University of Western Australia as well as a scholarship for the Australian defense force immersion camp. In primary school I received the honour of being head girl and in year 9 I was able to go over to Reunion Island to be completely immersed in French culture and language in order to improve and make lots of memories. Even more rewarding was being able to host a French student from Reunion Island as well, where I made a lifelong friend.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What makes you stand out from all those other beautiful girls? My experiences through life, the different cultures I have lived in and the people I have met, have given me a more extensive understanding of others from different backgrounds, races, experiences and different walks of life. This has made me more open and given me the amazing ability to look past people's appearances and have fun and laugh with everybody, regardless of differences.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell us about the moment your name was called out as the winner. As I had stepped in as the queen the year before I was worried that becoming the winner this year would make some waves, however, the previous queen who had crowned me I had become friends with throughout the year that I stood in as queen, just before I received my crown and flowers, she whispered to me “You finally got your moment.” This is something I will never forget as it showed me the beautiful and caring nature of the girls I was surrounded by and that I was somewhere I could be supported, it helped me realise that I did deserve to win even though I stood in as the queen the year before.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What does it mean to you to be a beauty queen? To me, being a beauty queen means being selfless and putting your energies towards helping, supporting, and uplifting other girls just like yourself and helping them achieve their dreams and successes.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: How has competing in pageants changed your life? Competing in pageants, especially Premier Elite Pageants has given me so many opportunities throughout the years, I have met some amazing people and have been able to visit and be a part of things that I otherwise wouldn’t have been a part of. I have also had the privilege of working with the Founder of Premier Elite pageants, Renata Grandao, who is an inspiration and wonderful role model for the girls she helps to inspire.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: How did pageants help your self-esteem and body image? After trying on all these lovely dresses, I realised I was beautiful whether or not I dressed up in full hair and makeup to perform on stage or was wearing pyjamas and sitting at home.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: You are an inspiration to all girls out there, how does it feel? I feel so lucky and happy that I am able to meet people and inspire them. So many girls are worried or too scared to go up on stage because they have low confidence or low self-esteem. I enjoy seeing the smiles on their faces when they have overcome their worries or anxieties and have done something they never thought they could.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What is your strategy on stage to win the judges over? From some of my favourite lyrics… “your never fully dressed without a smile” - a big smile on the catwalk goes a long way. I always enter and exit the stage with the largest smile on my face and smile at the judges. Although, it’s not a forced smile. Being up on stage is a lot of fun and I always enjoy every minute of it.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: How did you prepare for your competition? I prepared for the competition by trying on all my outfits beforehand and preparing everything that I needed, like jewellery, shoes, and makeup. By keeping everything together, this relieves stress on the night of the pageant and helps you feel calmer going into it, knowing you haven’t forgotten anything. A big lunch before the competition helps a lot too. My go-to is a big burrito from Zambrero’s, delicious and full of energy to help you get through the long night ahead.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your tips for learning a better pageant walk? Practice, practice, practice. A big thing about pageant walking is wearing heels and if you are not comfortable wearing heels or can’t walk in them properly, this can be a problem. Once you have chosen the pair of heels you want to wear, walk around the house in them. When I’m doing work around the house or cleaning up, I throw my heels on in order to feel comfortable wearing them. My parents call this the Kitchen Catwalk. Once confident in the shoes you can start to add a little flare to your walk, in any way that you would like.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your tips for choosing the right pageant dress? The one thing I always look for is the WOW factor. Do you put the dress on and just think 'wow, I love this?' If the dress just doesn’t have the ‘wow’ factor when you wear it, it’s probably not the dress for you.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your tips for winning interview? My one tip for winning the interview is to be open with the judges. Answer the questions truthfully and share your story. They don’t want to hear something that sounds good, they want to hear about your experiences. Being able to open up to the judges about maybe a struggle or a hard time in your life is also something important. The judges like to see how you have been able to overcome certain things in your life to get to where you are now.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What is one mistake you have done during the competition that you wish you could go back and fix? My watch! Throughout my first time competing in Premier Elite Pageants I wore my watch almost all the time. This made the photos look terrible and it just tarnished the overall image I was trying to convey. Luckily, I have learned and now keep any watch or jewellery that I’m not supposed to be wearing, safely in my bag.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What other mistakes are made by girls during the contest? Often when I am watching another pageant there are lots of dress tags hanging out of the back of the girls' beautiful gowns. Remember pageants are all about the sisterhood, help out your fellow queens and they will do the same for you. Put their tags back in their dress, fix up their train, help them with their makeup and most of all, support each other.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Any modelling or acting experience? I absolutely love acting and have been doing plays and acting classes since I was very young. It is something I am very passionate about and consider pursuing when I graduate high school. My modelling experience is mainly with Pageants and this has only been for 3 or 4 years. However throughout my pageants I have enjoyed every minute of it and taken the opportunities I have been given to learn and improve leading me to where I am today.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your plans for 2021/22 as a queen? For the rest of 2021 and 2022 I plan to continue raising awareness and raising money for the Blue Tree Foundation and hope to continue competing in pageants in order to improve and continue to inspire and help others.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind? I want to leave behind a legacy of kindness, happiness and love to those who I am friends with, those who I have met and even to those I didn’t meet. I want to be remembered as the bubbliest, friendliest queen anyone has ever met. Founder & Managing Director: Renata Grandao www.premierelitepageants.com
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this wonderful interview. Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief of World Class Beauty Queens Magazine
Jess Hosking Teen Miss Premier Elite 2021, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine,
Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans iffocares.org

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