World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Cassandra Wallace Ms Universe 2023.
Full name: Cassandra Wallace
Title/Year: Ms Universe 2023
Pageant System: Ms Universe
Age: 37
Zodiac sign: Leo
Hobbies: Running 5ks with my 8-year-old twin boys. I'm usually wearing my gown, sash, and crown chasing my twins.
Platform: Central Park Angels. I am the treasure for this 501©3. Central Park Angels commonly goes by the name “You are the Angel” because we believe everyone can be an angel to someone. The nonprofit focuses on during humanitarian aid in Ukraine. We send in food, water, and medical supplies. Along with evacuations for animals and people alike. What makes this non profit unique is that everyone is a volunteer. Every dollar that is donated goes to the cause, there is no admin staff that are paid from the donations, everyone involved volunteers their time so 100% of the funds can help those in need in the Ukraine.
Years competed: 4
Countries visited: Costa Rica, Uganda, Senegal, The Gambia, Morocco, Canada, Mexico, Aruba, South Africa, Pakistan, Saint Luca, and Belize.
Likes: Traveling, Scuba Diving, & Bikini Modeling.
Dislikes: Chocolate and cleaning bathtubs.
Status: Engaged
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Please tell us about yourself.
I have three boys, Brycen age 10 and Brodi and Bronx age 8. I enjoy volunteering and trying to find ways to make the world a little brighter place than I found it. Before having kids I used to spend summers in Africa working in soup kitchens and squatter camps. My profession is a tax accountant with the Enrolled Agent designation, I enjoy strategizing to find ways for people to save more money on their taxes. An Enrolled Agent is a person who has earned the privilege of representing taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service. Enrolled Agent status is the highest credential the IRS awards. For the last two years I have won the Best of Bainbridge Accountant award. I am hoping at some point in my life to be able to travel to a different country each year. I love meeting new people and experiencing new cultures.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Please tell us about your education. I have a bachelor’s degree in business management and accounting. Additionally, I have an Enrolled Agent designation. I currently am studying to take the series 65 exam as well as I hope to expand my tax practice to also include financial advising in the future.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What does women Empowerment means to you? Build each other up. There is plenty of room for all women to be strong and successful, you don’t need to step on people to move up in life. Be real. Be supportive. Help the women around you reach their dreams while you chase after yours.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell us about your pageant history.
I was Ms. Poulsbo, (the town I’m from), then Ms. Washington World International, then Ms World America, Ms World International Ms., Miss Bikini Washington, Miss Bikini Spokesmodel, World Class Beauty Queens North America Ambassador, World Class Editor and Chief of Bikini Model’s Magazine, Ms Ireland Universe, and Ms Universe.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What inspired you to do your first pageant?
I was actually in a bikini contest and one of the judges was Mrs. Washington. I won the bikini contest and went up to thank her and she asked me if I had ever thought about being in pageants. I honestly had no idea that you could even be in pageants once you had kids. This was the first I had heard of it. She pointed out that passion for volunteering would fit in perfectly with pageants, so I decided to sign up. I love any excuse to get dressed up and I am very passionate about giving back so it seemed like a perfect fit combining two things I enjoyed.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Why did you choose to compete for your current title? The honesty of what you were being judged on. The criteria were very clear and upfront it wasn't convoluted. The unique system of including fun events such as a surf simulator, paddle boarding, jet skiing, going out on a yacht, and beach photoshoots in addition to the actual pageant seemed much more of an experience instead of just a competition. I love traveling and meeting people from different cultures and this system combines so many positive elements it seemed like a way to part of a sisterhood that played to building women up and promoting their platforms instead of pitting women against one another. And the judges. I loved that the judges were not pageant insiders. This made it feel much more authentic and genuine. The judges did not watch out social media ahead of time or have anything else to judge us on other than our onstage performance.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: To those unfamiliar with your pageant system please tell us what is it about? The goal of the Ms. Universe Pageant is to inspire women from every country, continent and culture to come together, in the spirit of competition, to share their passions and promote their platforms on an international stage. They provide each of their queens a world class experience and a once in a lifetime opportunity.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are you being judged on during the competition? Beauty 25% - runway competition wearing a formal evening gown of contestants' choice. Fitness 25% - on location runway competition wearing swimsuit of contestants' choice. Interview 25% tv style interview where contestants are mic'd -up and individually filmed seated with lights and camera rolling. Photogenic 25% - contestants are scored during an active photo shoot on their posing ability/camera appeal. Introduction 25% - contestants introduce themselves wearing their state or country costume. (costumes are not judged, contestant's charisma and ability to speak clearly into a mic as well as voice projection are the only areas judged during this phase of the competition.)
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell us about your experience during the competition. It was an experience of a lifetime. The women I competed with were incredible. Getting to meet so many accomplished women who are so passionate about their platforms was awesome. I hope in the future to be able to help volunteer for some of their worthy causes. I loved that the judges knew nothing about us, it felt so fair and genuine. It was empowering to be part of a group of women who built each other up and helped out instead of just looking out for themselves. Even during the competition, girls were definitely competitive but at the same time everyone helped each other with wardrobe changes and were encouraging. It is refreshing to see so many women build each other up and not be cutthroat.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell us about your platform or what cause do you volunteer for. My platform is Fishline, a local food bank in Poulsbo, WA. You cannot reach your full potential without a full stomach. As a child my family was large and my mom was a single mom and we used to get food from our local food bank. Coming full circle is fulfilling to volunteer and help others get the step up they need to succeed. I recently volunteered Fishline’s annual Gala Do You Believe In Magic? Live and silent auction where I helped sell raffle tickets. I love kids, so I also split my platform time volunteering with Boys and Girls Club of North Kitsap. Investing in loving, supporting, educating children is always an investment worth making. I am on the committee for the Boys and Girls Club of North Kitsap for their annual fundraising event the Blue Door Gala coming up in March. I have enjoyed working with the other ladies on the committee to plan and place into motion what should be a fun, unique, and profitable fundraiser. World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What makes your director different from others? Shelley Lacerda is the absolute best! She is always there to offer guidance, answer questions, and makes the entire experience so fun! The pageant is full of non-judged activities and photoshoots that are a blast. Even when she has been up all night working she has a smile and takes the time to make each contestant feel special. She is very responsive and well organized.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What appearances have you done with your title?
I recently got my title just over a week ago, but so far this is what I have done. I have done one podcast interview, one tv interview, one video recording wishing a dying girl happy birthday, and one photoshoot, and two magazine interviews. I’m just getting started and am looking forward to promoting my platform and the pageant system as the year continues.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are some of your achievements? My greatest achievement will always be my three boys, Brycen, Brodi and Bronx. They are beautiful souls who are so caring and thoughtful. I told Brycen who was 6 at the time about Operation Christmas Child, where shoe boxes filled with toys and supplies are given to children who have no toys or school supplies. He was very concerned that some children did not have toys, he took his allowance he had been saving to buy toys for himself and used the money to buy toys for children he has never met. It was a proud mom moment. I offered to match the boys toy donations. We ended up leaving the store with several bags of toys. I thought when we got home and it was time to give up the money from their money jars they might change their tune. Instead with big smiles on their faces all three boys gave me their savings and were very pleased that some child somewhere would now have a toy.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What makes you stand out from all those other beautiful girls? I like to find unique ways to volunteer and give back. I have traveled to difficult places to get to such as a remote tribe in Uganda that was 10 hours walking distance from the nearest road to deliver food when their crops died. I have traveled to easy places to volunteer and give back, like the food bank in my hometown. You will catch me at events doing things most people would not. I'm adventurous and I bring that into my pageant life as well. I was at a charity event that in January in the pouring down rain and the director for the event shoes were broken and he did not want to lead the kids 1k in the rain. He asked his staff if they wanted to and they declined. I saw this as a great opportunity to fill a need. I volunteered and lead the kids 1k in the sideways rain in my ball gown with my sash and crown on. The kids loved it and had a blast chasing me in the rain, the event was a success.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell us about the moment your name was called out as the winner. I was shocked! I really wanted to win but when I heard my name, I thought I might have wanted it so badly I imagined it was my name. I just froze. Until the lovely lady next to me was like, Cassandra that’s you! I was magical and dream come true. It was a feeling I will never forget as long as I live. I was shaking and trying so hard not to cry and ruin my make up.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What does it mean to you to be a Beauty Queen? A Beauty Queen is an example and sets the standard to those around. It is a big responsibility. As a beauty queen you have been in trusted with the image of the pageant you represent and everyone you interact with will judge that pageant system based on their experience with you. You need to be beautiful inside and out, thinking of others first, and finding every opportunity to lend a helping hand to those around you in your community and the world. People are watching and the example you set, sets the standard for those who follow you and for the image of pageants and women as a whole. At every event I attend or volunteer at I always ask how can I help? It is not just about getting dressed up and rocking a crown and sash, it is about using that opportunity to give back and make a difference in the lives of everyone you interact with.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: How did competing in pageants helped your life? It has given me confidence I ways I would never have imagined. I used to not want to try new things because I was afraid of failing. I’ve failed at pageants too, but also winning has given me the confidence to try more things that I would not have had the courage to try. I mean if you can walk in 6-inch heels in a bikini in front of strangers on a stage and not faceplant, I feel like you can pretty much do anything else life throws at you.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: How did pageants helped your self-esteem and body image? Honestly, I have a very difficult time with body image. I am not someone who thinks of them self as beautiful or pretty. Being in pageants dramatically helped my self-esteem and body image. I have come to accept my flaws as part of what makes me beautiful instead of something that makes me ugly. I have learned to feel good in my skin and realized that confidence is the best look on anyone.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: You are an inspiration to all the girls out there. How does it feel? Vulnerable. I was recently asked what piece of advice I would give. This was coming from a teenager girl at a charity auction I attended who informed me she read my bio and been following me. This caught me a little off guard. I had not been prepared to hand out advice to someone who already knew so much about me and I knew nothing about her. I just went with the biggest lesson I have learned this year. Do not be afraid to fail. If you don't try you already failed. Chase your dreams and goals and if you fail, learn from what went wrong, take your new wisdom and persistently pursue your dreams. I have been a tax accountant for 13 years and never took the enrolled agent exams because I was afraid of failing. I let my fear of failure win. I studied for the test most days three hours a day, in addition to working full time, mom of three little boys, and beauty queen. I took all three exams and passed on the first try. The people who inspire me are vulnerable and share their experiences and struggles and I want to do the same for other girls out there.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What is your on-stage strategy to win the judges over? Smile and be myself. My story, my passion, my goals only I can share and represent to the fullest. I always keep eye contact, and try to be as animated in my facial expressions while keeping my head still. This is hard for me; I tend to move my head too much when I talk. I find when I am passionate about the subject matter it shows in my face and voice and being able to give the judges a taste of my vision is my strategy. Being authentic is key.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: How did you prepare for your competition? I watched lots of u-tube videos, video taped myself walking, asked my self-interview questions while looking at the mirror. Usually my kids would come in and laugh at me for talking to myself in front of the mirror. So I would also practice with them, they enjoyed the pageant prep journey with me. A month prior to the pageant I would walk my swim routine and pose routine 8-10 times. My kids pretended to be judges and gave me feedback. It helped to have the poses and facial expressions be muscle memory at the pageant.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your tips for learning better pageant walk? Video tape yourself practicing your walk. Wear your shoes to do everything to break them in. It is much easier to do your perfect walk when it is second nature to you. Practice in front of people. I have a large front porch and I would spend time every night practicing my pageant walk for the neighbors walking by and my children. I tried to find the most difficult people to please in my life and I asked them to comment on my walk. You are looking for someone not afraid to point out your weakness. It sounds harsh, but really it helps in the long run.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your tips for choosing right pageant dress? Become an expert in you. Different dress styles look better on different body types. Find a style the flaunts your best features and hides your flaws. Color is everything. A perfect color to your skin completion, compared to stage lighting can make or break your look. Honestly, I never wear white. Ever. But, on stage with the lighting and my skin tone the color was perfect. A fun tip for picking a dress for the pageant is go shopping at boutiques where they have open dressing rooms and ask the opinions of the other ladies trying on dresses. You will get honest feedback from people who are not just trying to say what they think you want to hear.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your tips for winning interview? Smile, keep eye contact, be yourself and relax. People calm themselves down differently, find what makes you at ease and so that the judges can see you and your passion and not your nerves. I found sharing personal experiences helped me to connect with the judges and make it feel like I was talking to a friend instead of trying to win over a handful of strangers in 5 minutes. I have a few quirks in my mannerisms when I talk, instead of hiding them I went with it, it is part of me and the package of who I am and I would like to think it helps me come across more genuine in my answers and less rehearsed.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What is one mistake that you've done during competing you wish you could redo and fix it? In my first pageant I focused too much on trying to be what I thought the judges were looking for. I read every blog, watched every u-tube, and countless hours of just asking people what they thought and what the judges were looking for. I think if I had focused more on accentuating my talents and highlighting what was unique and made me, it would have been much better. Everyone has things about them that are wonderful and you can't compete against someone else you will never be the best version of them. Focus on you and shine.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What other mistakes are made by girls during the contest? Wardrobe. I have seen gorgeous dresses on stunning ladies but either their hair or skin tone with the combination of the outfit on stage took something that should have been breathtaking and made it something painful to look at. Just because a color or style is your favorite does not mean it will make you pop and stand out in a good way on stage.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Any modeling or acting experience? No acting experience. I have modeled for a few small businesses, an arms company, wedding dress designers, and a few photographers. I have been up on billboards in Haiti, Miami, and New York. I have walked in NYFW for the last three years, Miami Swim Week for the last two years, this summer I helped launch two different bikini lines, and this fall I will be walking in Paris Fashion Week. I’ve been on the cover of over 20 different magazines.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your plans for 2023 as a Queen? More volunteering. I really want to use this time and this opportunity to highlight all the amazing non profits I enjoy volunteering with. I want to leave a lasting legacy and possibly help change some laws. I want to be the voice of women who cannot speak out about the difficult things that have happened to them. It is good to be supportive but it is so much more to be able to help advocate for someone and that is what I want to do, I want to advocate for those around me who cannot advocate for themselves.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind? I have a 10 year old and 8 year old twin boys. I try to find volunteer opportunities where they can attend so I can show them firsthand the importance of giving back. You can typically find me in a ballgown wearing my sash and crown cashing my twins dressed in superhero costumes running at local 5ks runs benefiting local charities and causes. It is a great way to spend time with my family and help others. I don't want to just tell my kids the importance of thinking of others and giving back, I want to actively do with them so it will be like second nature to them. You can make a big impact as one person, but if you can motivate and encourage others to give back your impact is magnified.
International Director: Shelley Lacerda
National Director: Shelley Lacerda
Your Local Director: Shelley Lacerda
Pageant website:
Photographer: Edward Dose Photography
Makeup: Complexion by Cassandra
Hair: Bobi Fortner
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this amazing interview!
Cassandra Wallace Ms Universe 2023, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photographer: Edward Dose Photography, Makeup: Complexion by Cassandra, Hair: Bobi Fortner
Interview by Derek Tokarzewski
Owner/Editor in Chief
Mr WorldClass 2023
Mr United Nations 2018
Platform: Women Empowerment
