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Amanda Taylor Mrs. Alabama Prime xXx

Writer's picture: Derek TokarzewskiDerek Tokarzewski

Amanda Taylor Mrs. Alabama Prime xXx, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Lauren Beesly Photography
Amanda Taylor Mrs. Alabama Prime xXx, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Lauren Beesly Photography

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Amanda Taylor Mrs. Alabama Prime xXx.

Full name: Amanda Taylor

Title/Year: Mrs. Alabama Prime xXx. (30-39).

(Side note: I am also Our Little Miss Alabama’s Universal Beauty 29 plus, American Royal Miss Alabama State Queen Classic Ms.)

Pageant System: Prime Pageants

Age: 39

Education Level: Bachelor of Science, in Sociology, Minor in Psychology and Music Master of Science in Community Agency Counseling

Zodiac sign: Pisces

Hobbies: My hobbies include Music (singing, playing guitar, piano), fitness, traveling, nature walks, and crafts.

Platform: Confidence Equals Beauty and Confidence Equals Beauty Love You. Overcoming the mental health stigmas by embracing who you are and building confidence in oneself.

Years competed: 1

Countries visited: Mexico, Bahamas, Jamacia, Romania, and Grand Cayman Islands.

Likes: Coffee, the beach, and quality time with loved ones.

Dislikes: People who are dishonest, injustice, and negative affirmations.

Status: Married

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Please tell us about yourself.

I am Amanda Taylor, and I am 39 years old. I was born in Fairhope Alabama, but currently live in Opelika, Alabama. I have been married 5 years and we are a blended family. I have the joy of 3 bonus sons, my daughter, and then my husband and I have a child together. I love working with others in helping build confidence to overcome life struggles. I love music, going to concerts, singing, and spending time with family.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Please tell us about your education.

I graduated from Jacksonville State University with a Bachelor of Science in Sociology and minor in Psychology and Music in 2008. I graduated with Master of Science in Community Agency Counseling in 2011.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What does women Empowerment means to you? I strongly believe that an empowered woman is one who recognizes her special talents, values herself, and helps others find the value in themselves.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell us about your pageant history. I became Our Little Miss Alabama Universal Beauty 29 plus in 2021. I competed in Our Little Miss University Beauty Worlds Competition in Houston where I was in the top 3 as University Worlds Mini Queen. I also competed in American Royal Miss and won the title Alabama Elegant Ms. 2022. In July of 2022, I went to complete in Our Little Miss Official Worlds in Washington D.C where I placed top 5 in Classic Ms. Division.

I am currently Mrs. Alabama Prime xXx (30-39) division 3. I am currently preparing for Prime Pageant Nationals in Orlando Florida September 2022 and hoping to win the National Title Mrs. USA Prime xXx

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What inspired you to do your first pageant? I realized I was approaching 40 and there were things I wanted to do something for myself. I also wanted to be the voice and stand on my platform to help people overcome mental health stigmas. My daughters encouraged me to compete myself and I saw how pageants helped my daughters gain confidence in themselves and have these amazing experiences. I decided I wanted the same experience for myself, along with using my titles to be the voice to those who need me.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Why did you choose to compete for your current title? PRIME pageant is not a typical beauty pageant. This system is a self-help pageant system that helps women learn about themselves. Each woman embraces a unique story and journey to celebrate self-worth. I did not want to miss out on personal self-growth and celebrating myself, along with other women at nationals. World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: To those unfamiliar with your pageant system please tell us what is it about? PRIME pageant is all about self-care and setting personal goals for each participant. There are 7 areas of self-care that each person can focus on to improve their own personal goals. These areas are professional, physical, mental, spiritual, social and community, and emotional. As a title holder, each person gets the respect to focus on her own journey.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What makes your director different from others?

We have amazing pageant director and staff who provides so many resources to assist us on this self-care journey, with knowledge and guidance throughout the year. They want to get to know each title holder on a more personal level.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are you being judged on during the competition? The areas of competition are Interview, Creative Costume, Evening Gown, and Personal Progress though out the year leading up to the National Pageant Competition.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell us about your experience during the competition. As of right now, I am working towards my Personal Improvement Visionary Awards which means I am working on personal goals to get me better prepared for nationals. I am super excited about competing in 2022 Prime National Competition.

As Mrs. Alabama Prime xXx I have loved every moment of holding this title. I have pushed my comfort zones and boundaries. I can use my platform to reach others I would have not been able to do if not for being in this pageant system.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Who would you recommend your system to? I would recommend Prime Pageants to every woman regardless of age, size, and background. Each contestant and title holder are on her own journey for personal improvement.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell us about your platform or what cause do you volunteer for. I want to inspire women to gain personal confidence in themselves. Women are often made to feel they are not living up to what society tells us we should in all categories of life. We are constantly feeling under the microscope of the need to live up to an unrealistic expectation. Seeing this constant scrutiny, I saw the need for a community to help woman really support each other when they are feeling this way, after working on my personal anxiety, I gained the courage and launched the Facebook Group “Confidence Equals Beauty Love You”. After the positive response I was getting. I decided to launch the blog

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What appearances have you done with your title? Since I became Mrs. Alabama Prime xXx, I have increased my presence on social media to promote Confidence Equals Beauty and to allow others to see the vulnerable side of self-improvement in overcoming my own anxiety. I have been able to do live interview with Pageant Talk. I also have upcoming interviews as a guest speaker for podcasts. I have been invited to participate soon as a judge in local pageants.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are some of your achievements? My greatest achievement is being a counselor helping people become better in themselves, a loving wife, and being a mom, watching my kids grow up.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What makes you stand out from all those other beautiful girls? I am petite but large in personality. I am welcoming and willing to accept everyone for who they are. I can provide empathy and care about the well-being of other people.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Tell us about the moment your name was called out as the winner. In previous experiences at competitions all I could think about is “I am still here!” “My name hasn’t been called yet.” I have just been excited and proud of myself for making alternates. The moments I was called as queen I have just been overwhelmed with gratitude for being chosen for the Title.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What does it mean to you to be a Beauty Queen? Being a Beauty Queen is more than a pretty crown. Being a Beauty Queen now gives me a voice to be heard and opportunity for educating others on mental health stigmas and gaining confidence in yourself.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: How did competing in pageants helped your life? I have met some amazing people through pageants. I have new friendships that have become a huge support system to me. It has also pushed me out of my comfort zones and gain confidence in myself.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: How did pageants helped your self-esteem and body image? Being in pageants helped me see where my insecurities were in myself like self-doubt or anxiety I have experienced in just everyday life. I have gained more confidence by decreasing my anxiety and a health sense of self-esteem.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: You are an inspiration to all the girls out there. How does it feel? I love the idea that I can be a role model for a younger generation. I hope that my experiences can help teach and facilitate girls becoming confident and accepting themselves to be their true selves.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What is your on-stage strategy to win the judges over? Be your complete authentic self. I can only be me and that is who the judges need to see.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: How did you prepare for your competition? I practice daily on areas of interview and public speaking. I try to live healthy lifestyle by healthy eating habits and exercising. I walk a lot in my shoes to get comfortable for competition. I also practice positive words of affirmations and positive self-talk to believe in myself.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your tips for learning better pageant walk? Practice, Practice, Practice in your shoes and dress. Video Record yourself and watch how you can improve. Walk in front of trusted friends and family who will give you honest feedback. If you have a pageant coach, be coachable and learn as much as you can to improve your walk.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your tips for choosing right pageant dress? You must feel comfortable walking in the gown you choose. Do not limit yourself of a specific style. Trust you intuition when you put on the gown, and it makes you feel your absolute gorgeous self then that is the dress for you.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your tips for winning interview? Really get to know yourself. Have a clear understanding of what is important to you such as, beliefs, values, and your stances. Remember the judges want to get to know you.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What is one mistake that you've done during competing you wish you could redo and fix it? I have got so caught up in being the perfect contestant I was not myself. I let myself listen to negative self-talk and doubt myself. I tried to be someone the judges wanted me to be instead of just being me.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What other mistakes are made by girls during the contest? In my experience, when a girl tries to too hard to be the “perfect pageant girl”, then she is not being herself. The judges see through deception and most the time the girl who wins is being her true self.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: Any modeling or acting experience? No, I never did any modeling or acting experience.

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What are your plans for 2022 as a Queen? I will do my best to Win Mrs. USA PRIME and continue to grow this amazing system!

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine: What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind? I want my legacy to be that Amanda Loved big with her heart, worked hard and passionate about my beliefs, and that there always a place at my table of acceptance and love. I want to make people feel cherished, encouraged, and loved when they meet me.

National Director: Kristen Ayers

Pageant website:

Photographer Lauren Beesly with Lauren Beesly Photography. World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this amazing interview! Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief of World Class Beauty Queens Magazine.

Amanda Taylor Mrs. Alabama Prime xXx, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Lauren Beesly Photography

Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans

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