World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen and our Issue #4 Cover Girl Trace-Ann Gooden Miss United Nations 2016.
World Class Beauty Queens: Hello Trace-Ann, thank you for taking the time to Interview
with us. Tell us about yourself.
My pleasure, thanks for the opportunity to share. I have been a registered nurse for almost 4yrs, it has always been my lifelong dream to be in a profession that I can serve others. I am a firm believer in Christ and that guides most of my values in life. I have a keen interest in Youth development and positive role modelling. Overall I seek to use every experience in life to seek how I can further add value to my life and the lives of others.
World Class Beauty Queens: Those that unfamiliar with Miss United Nations Pageant
system tell us what is it about.
The United Nations Pageants promotes, the utilization of ones strengths and inner qualities to positively impact all those you meet. Some of the guiding principles are family, faith and community.
World Class Beauty Queens: What made you decide to compete in Miss United Nations pageant?
I strongly believe in serving others, every time I get the opportunity to serve it provides me with an inner fulfilment and a sense of purpose in life. Therefore having read the mission of the United Nations Pageant I had an interest to join as I felt it would be another space to continue to serve. Additionally pageants usually put you in a spot to boost your confidence for example having to make appearances and conquering your fear of being on stage. I thought it would be an opportune way to further develop myself.
World Class Beauty Queens: During the competition what are you being judged on?
The competition is judged in five main areas: interview, which assess how articulate and conversational you are. Then there is the sports wear which focuses on physical fitness. Also the national Costume which represents a national symbol or heritage of your country. Additionally the fashion wear which allows you to express your own personal sense of style. Finally there is the evening gown which judge , grace, poise and elegance on stage.
World Class Beauty Queens: Since United Nations Pageant is about community service what is your plan of action for 2017?
My plan is to continue to establish my platform Hug Your Child promoting good mental and emotional health in children. Additionally to work alongside other charities in fulfilling service missions throughout the year.
World Class Beauty Queens: You are the founder of Hug your Child Campaign, tell us about it.
Hug Your Child was established in 2014. The aim of this campaign is to raise awareness on the importance of showing affection to children and affirming their worth. This initiative is very beneficial as a public health matter, promoting good “Mental Health”. Bearing in mind that strong families, build strong communities and strong communities a strong nation. Some of our activities are done through parenting seminars, media interviews and social media to promote awareness.
World Class Beauty Queens: To win Miss United Nations title you have to be active in your community and volunteer. What have you accomplished to win this title?
I have been volunteering since I was a child. I started out at age nine being a member of the Red Cross Society and I have actively continued throughout High School. During University I was a peer leader in their premier leadership program and I was also a peer advisor to the Office of Placement and Career Services. After University I did mentoring through the Youth Upliftment Program (YUTE). Later I joined with Junior achievement Jamaica assisting in providing financial literacy to primary school students. Also the National Council on Drug Abuse providing information on making conscious decision regarding health. Of course I am a nurse and I do believe in promoting good health. Additional serving as the youth director in my local church, serving at health fairs are some ways I have supported by community and nation.
World Class Beauty Queens: Who are your role models?
I always say my primary role model is Christ learning of His teaching from I was 8yrs I made the decision to follow his footsteps of love and service. I also have been empowered by many persons in the church, my teachers in school, mentors. So many persons have contributed significantly to the person I have become and I recognize all their worth.
World Class Beauty Queens: Doing charity work requires time, money and a lot of personal sacrifice. Tell us your story.
Charity is something I have always believed in growing up so many persons were charitable towards me and I think that has also shaped my desire to give of my time, money and make sacrifices for others.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your trip to Ethiopia.
Going to Ethiopia was one of the best experiences I have ever had, other than the fact it was my first time travelling overseas. It was also the first time I was representing my country internationally and that gave me a real sense of satisfaction to represent Jamaica. I was chosen as a youth delegate to moderate one of the sexual and reproductive health session. I was also one of the founding members for the now established International Youth Alliance on Family Planning (IYAFP).
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us how do you serve the youth.
I served with the Youth Upliftment Through Employment (YUTE) which inspire inner city young people who are seeking to establish their life goals. I have also been an active role model to my peers and other young people through one on one counselling and motivation.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your awards and certificates.
Over the years I have received academic awards and the IGL Legacy Scholarship for nursing 2011/2012. I was a nominee for Prime Minister Youth Award for the category youth in service. Also awarded Most Congenial, Best Performance and Most Poised in the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC) Miss St Catherine 2013, University of the West Indies (UWI) co-curricular Award 2011/2012, UWI Outstanding Excellence in leadership 2012, Outstanding Red Cross performer, Outstanding Science student and outstanding Athlete. I have received two awards for service from the Kiwanis Club and the National Council on Drug Abuse. I have also received awards for involving in my church ministry.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your talent during the competition?
I did an original speech and drama piece entailed fighting adversity using the Jamaican dialect, Patois. It made top 7 and I was able to perform on the coronation night.
World Class Beauty Queens: Fun part of the competition is national costume tell us how did you represent your country and why?
I represent my country wearing a painted dress from Eon+Robby FreeSpiritz Jamaica depicting “Xaymaca” which means land of wood and water in the Arawak language. This was the first name given to Jamaica by the indigenous Taino. The white on the dress represented the white sandy beaches (water) the brown represented the wood and the green the vegetation of the land. Also I wore a fern head piece which represented the famous fern gully attraction in Jamaica which has over 500 species of fern.
World Class Beauty Queens: Big part of the competition is evening gown. Tell us what did you choose and who designed it.
We choose a one by eight blue evening gown with crystal flat-back rhinestones from Glamorous Le Chic
World Class Beauty Queens: What was your thinking process for selecting the gown?
My gown was selected by my mentor mom. I just needed something conservative. I consider shopping a stressful activity so she took on the task of choosing my gown of which I was so thankful.
World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about all the activities you’ve done during the competition.
During the competition week we visited the famous attraction Dunn’s River Falls and the craft market to see the skilled work of Jamaica’s craft men and women. We had a national cook off where delegates cooked their national dish and served at the Jamaica Christian Boys Home. We also had a day when we did a charity activity of re painting the Jamaica Christians Boys Home. We had daily walk and poised activities and early morning fitness. Additionally we had a photoshoot and our prejudging.
World Class Beauty Queens: What charity work have you done in Jamaica during the competition.
During the competition one of us primary charity was to work with the Jamaica Christian boys home we were allow to “adopt” a child and positively impact and offer support in whatever way we could base on needs identified. Also serving as the youth director of my church I organized other charity activity to encourage our youth to serve.
World Class Beauty Queens: What was your onstage strategy to win the judges over?
I tried to use all the strategies that were taught to us before such as maintaining eye good contact, smiling and just being yourself.
World Class Beauty Queens: During the evening gown competition, how did it feel to take your first step?
It felt good, it was the final wear of the night I had been on stage a few times already so during that moment I felt more relaxed and confident. In my opinion that was my best moment on stage.
World Class Beauty Queens: The competition is a week long program . What was the most nerve wracking moment during the competition?
This definitely had to be the night of the competition itself, having to change from one to wear to the next and line up to go on stage, it felt like everything was going so fast.
World Class Beauty Queens: Which country was your biggest competition and why?
There were two other Jamaica’s in the competition who I considered good competitors I was truly fascinated by their poise.
World Class Beauty Queens: You are seconds away from hearing the winners name. You are standing next to a girl that could take the title away from you. What were you thinking in that moment?
I was thinking I am happy to have made it this far in the competition and whatever the outcome was I felt satisfied.
World Class Beauty Queens: We want to hear in your own words how did it feel to hear your name as the winner.
It was a shocking feeling, I could also hear persons screaming my name in the audience “Go Trace-Ann” I just felt honored and supported. I also felt really good knowing that it was the first time Jamaica was winning the title and it was through me.
World Class Beauty Queens: During the crowning how did it feel when the crown touched your head?
I really felt honored that I did this not only for me but my country and most importantly all the persons who were cheering for me.
World Class Beauty Queens: Winning takes sacrifice. What did you had to sacrifice in your life to achieve success?
I had to sacrifice my time mostly and being a nurse working full-time was really challenging. When I felt tired I still had to make time to attend training and make appearances despite my tight schedule. I was essentially in a spot to show that I can be flexible and fulfil the commitment to things that I undertake in life.
World Class Beauty Queens: Any competition secrets you would like to share.
Lol, I don’t think I have any special secrets to share. I stampede my hallway almost every night on the nurses block practicing my walk and I subscribed to Pageant Planet for any interesting updates on pageantry. I also used Youtube to research walking styles from different pageants coaches to get an idea how versatile I could be.
World Class Beauty Queens: Competition forges life long friendships. Which sister queen
will be your friend for life?
All the ladies were amazing, I have managed to keep in touch with all the ladies on social media’s , seeing their progress with the various activities that they undertake.
World Class Beauty Queens: What does the crown and sash symbolizes to you?
It symbolize an opportunity to serve selflessly and inspire other whilst being a positive role model whilst making the best of this year long opportunity.
World Class Beauty Queens: Why should every girl compete in pageants?
It challenges you to get out of your comfort zone. It’s a great way to boost your confidence
and development your self esteem. Additionally it provides a good opportunity to network and most importantly to be a beacon of change in the world.
World Class Beauty Queens: What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?
A legacy of service with a genuine heart and just being true to yourself.
World Class Beauty Queens: What is the happiest memory you took with you after the competition?
The happiest moments were the friendships formed from the different countries, learning about and participating in aspects of their culture was truly enriching.
We had moments of seemly unending laughter, when I reflect on those moments it leaves
a lasting spirited memory.
World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you to Trace-Ann Gooden Miss United Nations 2016 for this wonderful interview.
Print Issue 4 purchase link. http://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/1267103

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine
Issue 4
Cover Girl Trace-Ann Gooden Miss United Nations 2016 Also interview with Victoria M Ng Miss Chicago China Town 2016
Annette Mates International Ms. Goddess of the Seas 2016-2017
Trace-Ann Gooden Miss United Nations 2016, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, #WorldClassBeautyQueensMagazine #WorldClassBrand Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans iffocares.org

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