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Mental Health Awareness by Kaanchan S Farkiya Ms. Asian North America 2017

Writer's picture: Derek TokarzewskiDerek Tokarzewski

Updated: Oct 17, 2019

Kaanchan S Farkiya Ms. Asian North America 2017
Kaanchan S Farkiya Ms. Asian North America 2017, Photo by Noble Ambience

Mental Health Awareness by Kaanchan S Farkiya Ms. Asian North America 2017.

World Mental Health Day, celebrated every year during October month. Its overall

objective is to raise awareness of mental health around the World. This year, main focus of

World Mental Health Day is “suicide prevention”. Moreover, on this day, several health

organizations schedule activities to raise awareness of the need to allocate more resources for the treatment of mental disorders. 

Now a days with this fast and stressful life, we miss many opportunities to enjoy small

happiness in our daily life. The most common cause of stress are associated with job and

financial issues... Not only adults but our millennials are more stressed than the rest of the

population according to the American Psychological Association.

According to World Health Organization there are many different types of mental illnesses

including anxiety, depression, psychosis, etc. Mental Illness is curable. In fact, some of them are curable at home by improving self-state of mind and positive thinking. In recent years, many international bodies have increasingly focused on happiness as every individual’s wellbeing is directly associate with their daily activities as a result it measures how well a country is doing. (World happiness report)

Our happiness is determined by our daily activities. Every individual’s wellbeing is

directly associate with their daily activities as a result it measures how well a country is

doing. (World happiness report). So if you start your everyday life with enthusiasm, have

punctuality in your own schedule, and finish your day with gratitude then there would be a great chance of possibility of an ultimate sense of satisfaction knowing that you are doing your best. Some local as well as international organizations such as World Federation for Mental

Health helps are dedicated to promoting mental health, preventing mental disorders and

achieving victory over mental illnesses through advocacy, education, research and service.

There are several holistic factors in our life that contribute to our overall health and mental

condition. Happiness is one of them. In 2012 the World Happiness Report found that happiness is ultimate desire of people despite of age, gender or locations around the World. According to Gross National Happiness survey, happiness depends upon many factors. There are numerous complex factors that contribute to and improve our mental well – being and contentment.

Feel free to add check mark on these activities that you never did before and now you may want to try.

1. Good sleep

2. High Intensity exercise

3. Time-restricted eating

4. Eat a balanced diet

5. Laugh more

6. Socialize with people who uplift you

7. Surround yourself with positive people

8. Feel confident

9. Do some grooming for yourself

10. Go out and get more oxygen

11. Involve yourself in nature

12. Think Positive

13. Schedule your task

14. Explore hobbies

15. Set any goal and start working on it

16. Learn something new

17. Help others

18. Take a break from social media

19. Do it now

20. Get help from community, organizations, experts and other resources

Explore these activities in your life and you will see some improvement in your happiness


Let’s celebrate this global mental health education and spread the awareness in your community.

Good physical and mental health is something we all need in order to live a happy life.

According to the Origins of Happiness report, happiness increases by 20%, if we take care of

our mental health issues. Generation of studies by physiologist, sociologist, and economist,

proved that happiness is a state of mind, although it has been affected by your circumstances

around you. Some effects are direct and some of them are from indirect social system. We can’t

control everything around us. However, by thinking positive and believing in yourself could

improve your overall health.

Kaanchan S FarkiyaMs. Asian North America 2017, Photo by Noble Ambience

Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans

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