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Lindsay Shockey Elite Miss Southeast USA Earth 2019

Updated: Aug 26, 2019

Lindsay Shockey Elite Miss Southeast USA Earth 2019, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine,
Lindsay Shockey Elite Miss Southeast USA Earth 2019, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Paul Marcus Photos

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Lindsay Shockey Elite Miss Southeast USA Earth 2019.

Full name: Lindsay Shockey

Title/Year: Elite Miss Southeast USA Earth 2019

Pageant System: Miss Earth USA

Age: 37

Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Hobbies: going to the beach, hiking, drawing, painting, doing anything outside, photography

Platform: Sustainable Design and the Built environment

Years competed: 10

Countries visited: Japan, China, Italy, France, Mexico, Canada, Jamaica, Bahamas

Likes: the beach, sunshine, cats, horses, animals in general, Reese's cup, shoes

Dislikes: rude/arrogant people, cold weather (I'm originally from South Florida)

Status: engaged

World Class Beauty Queens: Please tell us about yourself.

I am originally from South Florida and moved to Atlanta in 2007 to pursue a career in the field of Interior Architecture. I have a bachelors degree in Interior Design from Florida State University and a Masters Degree in Architecture from the University of Miami. I am a true Florida girl in that I love warm weather, ocean waves crashing on the shore and flip flops. Don't get me wrong I wear heels on a regular basis but if I can rock the flip flops I absolutely will on the regular. I am currently engaged to my best friend, first time home buyer and love my fur babies. I have a zoo of three cats and a dog!

World Class Beauty Queens: What does women Empowerment means to you? Having the strength to stand up for what you believe in and make a change as you see fit. So often we feel as women we need to sit by and follow the rules. Sometimes rules are made to be broken and we have the power to change them. Finding your voice not only as a woman but as an individual can really be empowering.

World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your pageant history. I started at 19 in the Miss Florida USA system and the rest is history! It took me ten pageants before winning my first title of Miss Hollywood FL USA 2006. After that I won the titles of Miss Pembroke Pines USA 2007 and Miss Broward County USA 2008. After a brief moment off the stage I started a coaching business on the side to use my knowledge to help other girls achieve their goals. I came out of retirement last year to compete for the title of Elite Miss Earth USA holding the titles of Elite Miss Mississippi 2018 and Elite Miss Southeast 2019. I placed top 8 in 2018 and was first runner up in 2019.

World Class Beauty Queens: What inspired you to do your first pageant? I always watched Miss USA and Miss America when I was little and ever time picked the winner. After getting the application in the mail for Miss Florida USA I was hooked and saw the opportunity to make my dream come true of living in NY and becoming MISS USA.

World Class Beauty Queens: Why did you choose to compete for your current title? It was an opportunity to try a different system and find a passion that aligned with my career of Interior Design and sustainable design. Miss Earth USA is a great system that puts their titleholders to work and I enjoy that its more than just a beauty pageant is a cause worth fighting for that is our future.

World Class Beauty Queens: To those unfamiliar with your pageant system please tell us what is it about? We are Beauties for a Cause with Miss Earth USA. We are all advocates for the environment in our own ways from recycling to health and fitness. Each girl that enters the Miss Earth USA system brings in something that they are passionate about and all of it is for the greater cause of helping the earth. A little thing for the environment can go a long way.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are you being judged on during the competition? Interview, swimsuit, gown, and environmental platform.

World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your experience during the competition. Everything leading up to pageant week has you busy. From general pageant prep to your social media day and for the Miss Earth USA system your Think Global Act Local project. This gives each girl the chance to give back to her community in a way the helps the environment.

World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about your platform or what cause do you volunteer for. Sustainable Design with an emphasis on recycling. I have worked with Keep North Fulton Beautiful and Keep Atlanta Beautiful. Both have great opportunities to recycle. What most people don't realize is that a lot of things you recycle can be made in to materials to be used for Interior Architecture. Carpet can be recycled and reused again in new carpet, plastic bottles can be made into furniture.

World Class Beauty Queens: What appearances have you done with your title? I have worked with Atlanta Crime Stoppers At Promise center and Keep Atlanta Beautiful. Recycle Day with Keep North Fulton Beautiful.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are some of your achievements? First runner up on the national stage for one! In my field of Interior Design several industry awards for projects that I worked on the design team as well as having the opportunity to serve as the IIDA 2018 Dressed Chairman.

World Class Beauty Queens: What is your on stage strategy to win the judges over? Having fun and enjoying the few moments that I have on stage. If everyone, especially the judges, see that you are having a good time they will feed of that energy.

World Class Beauty Queens: What makes you stand out from all those other beautiful girls? Usually my height! I'm 5'11" without heels but you add them and its a whole other level. In the Ms category I feel I bring different life experiences to the table. I have been married before but found the strength to move forward alone despite going through some hardship. Life felt like in ended but pageants were the one thing that got me back to who I was before all of the madness.

World Class Beauty Queens: Tell us about the moment your name was called out as the winner. I was appointed the title of Elite Miss Southeast Earth USA after coming in first runner up at Miss Georgia Earth USA. It is never easy to come that close and not bring it home, but I took a step back and realized I wanted to compete at the national level one more time. I came back with a regional title, went to nationals and again was first runner up. While it was hard to fill that spot again in a pageant it takes on a different perspective on the national level. I honestly didn't think I would get to that point but standing their one of the last two left was a crazy moment. That is the one moment you don't want the MC to say your name. It was surreal but an honor to be standing next to Florida. We had an amazing 2019 class and whoever won would have a phenomenal group of women to represent.

World Class Beauty Queens: What does it mean to you to be a Beauty Queen? Its means that you are a role model and have set a standard for yourself by holding a specific title. In the Miss Earth USA organization is means setting the example of an environmental friendly lifestyle. With my platform of sustainable design it means educating others on ways to be green when it comes to the built environment. Simple things like using LED bulbs that use less energy, low flow plumbing fixtures and recycling single use plastics that can be reused in building materials.

World Class Beauty Queens: How did competing in pageants helped your life? It has given me the opportunity to learn about myself and how I present that to the world. I have goals that I set before every pageant and it helps to keep me focused. The interview portion alone allows me to walk into any job interview and have no problem talking with everyone in the room and sell myself for the job.

World Class Beauty Queens: How did pageants helped your selfesteem and body image? Pageants have allowed me to find my best assets and learn how to use them in the best way possible as well as celebrate what I might find as a downfall but embrace the differences and showcase them.

World Class Beauty Queens: You are an inspiration to all the girls out there. How does it feel? Amazing!! It is an honor to be able to be an inspiration to young girls as well as my peers. Sometimes life isn't perfect but if you can turn your mess into a message and inspire others then it is a mission accomplished.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for learning better pageant walk? Finding a great coach that will break it down for you and watch how you move. Sometimes it takes someone watching you to see what you can improve on. Also practice!!! You don't get better if you don't practice.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for choosing right pageant dress? Find something that compliments you and be open to something that you may have not thought of as your dress. Some of life's great dresses happened because they looked better on the person then they did on the hanger! My black and white gown was a big step for me because it was totally out of my comfort zone. I took the leap and got so many compliments and it forced me to bring it even more on stage because you never want the gown to wear you.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your tips for winning interview? Be yourself and have fun. Also be able to start and finish each thought. Sometimes girls tend to ramble on and on and don't know how to land their plane when answering a question. Its about being clear and concise with your response but giving them enough to keep them wanting more and thus asking more questions to make it into a conversation. That is what interview should be a conversation about who you are and what you bring to the table.

World Class Beauty Queens: How did you prepare for your competition? I hit the gym 5 days a week and did some interview and walking prep to keep my mind clear and feet moving. I am a pageant coach myself but I don't have all of the answers and when I am preparing I need to make sure that I am on my A game when I walk into a competition. Your mental game is the hardest part to prep for when it comes to pageant time. Once you get your mind in the right place you are able to relax and enjoy the process.

World Class Beauty Queens: What is one mistake that you've done during competing you wish you could redo and fix it? Trying to please everyone else instead of just being myself. I have been doing pageants for some time now and in the beginning I was so worried about what everyone would think that I did what others told me to do. Once I came into my own and realized what made me comfortable was the best thing I was able to be more successful in the pageant arena.

World Class Beauty Queens: What other mistakes are made by girls during the contest? wearing something that is uncomfortable and trying to be something they are not. Often times we try to fit into the mold of what we think a queen should be that we lose sight of who we are as a person. We should be creating the image of how we want our year to go as a titleholder. Make the image into who you are as a person and not the other way around. Never lose sight of the message you have to share with the world because there may be someone out there that needs to hear it.

World Class Beauty Queens: Any modeling or acting experience? In my younger days I modeled and occasionally still do but it is few and far between at this point. I did have a small appearance on the reality show 'Mama June: From not to hot' season 2.

World Class Beauty Queens: What are your plans for 2019 as a Queen? To finish out the year educating others on the importance of recycling and sustainable design. The interior design industry in Atlanta has a Zero Landfill project in August that allows us to recycle old samples and finishes to be reused bu teachers and artists and keeps them out of our landfills.

World Class Beauty Queens: What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind? One of strength, power and independence. I have worked very hard to get to where I am in life right now. I was able to purchase my first house this year something I didn't think was a possibility two years ago. I left a marriage that wasn't working and step out on my own after going through a rough time in my life. Coming out of retirement and getting back into pageants I was able to find my self again and get back to who I was as a person. I have been through a lot in life and if someone can read my story and find even one of those as motivation it is an encouragement to me.

National Director: Laura Clark

Your Local Director: Onica Blaize

Pageant website: World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this amazing interview.

Lindsay Shockey Elite Miss Southeast USA Earth 2019, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine, Photo by Paul Marcus Photos

Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans

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