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Kee Wern Shing Kymmie TKS Mrs Singapore ASEAN 2019

Writer's picture: Derek TokarzewskiDerek Tokarzewski

Kee Wern Shing Kymmie TKS Mrs Singapore ASEAN 2019, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine,
Kee Wern Shing Kymmie TKS Mrs Singapore ASEAN 2019, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine,

World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to welcome amazing Queen Kee Wern Shing Kymmie TKS Mrs Singapore ASEAN 2019.

Full name: Kee Wern Shing Kymmie 

Title/Year: TKS Mrs Singapore ASEAN  2019 

Pageant System : TKS 

Age : 43 

Zodiac sign: Scorpio 

Hobbies: Nature walks, jogging, reading, watching movies and spending time with family

Countries visited: Australia, Finland, Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, China, America

Likes: Food and Netflix

Dislike: Dishonesty

Status: Married 

World Class Beauty Queens: Please tell us about yourself. A passionate entrepreneur who believes in bringing positive change to the community and inspiring the next generation. 

World Class Beauty Queen:  What does women Empowerment mean to you? Women Empowerment means helping other women to see their strength and their ability to make positive changes in their community. 

World Class Beauty Queen:  Tell us about your pageant history. Pageantry is a new realm, it is a journey of self discovery and self love to bring out the best in myself. I started exercising and being more conscious about my weight which I have neglected since starting a family. 

World Class Beauty Queen: What inspired you to do your first pageant? 2019 was a year where I wanted to do branding for my business and thought that personal branding would be important as well, I chanced upon an application for the pageant and applied!. 

World Class Beauty Queen:  Why did you choose to compete for your current title? My business is active in the ASEAN region, I want to effect change and inspire women in this region. 

World Class Beauty Queen:  To those unfamiliar with your pageant system please tell us what is it about? TKS is an established pageantry system that advocates that Beauty Queens not only exudes beauty but more importantly endurance to hard work and intelligence to make better decisions as well as the heart for the community.

World Class Beauty Queen:  What are you being judged on during the competitions. There were many segments; Beauty, our personal career profile, discipline to adhere to guidelines for beauty queens, ability to overcome tough training schedules, creativity on portfolio, ability to aces for random interviews. 

World Class Beauty Queen:  Tell us about your experience during the competition.  My struggle was to juggle between a hectic working schedule, caring for family and packed training hours for the pageant, it was a lot of hard work to train for dance and stage works. I will end by saying that it was a rewarding experience and I thank TKS for this opportunity. World Class Beauty Queen:  Tell us about your platform or what caused you to volunteer for. I am active volunteering for platforms involving children as i believe they are the seeds to the future and it is important to provide them with the right tools to grow up into responsible and happy adults.  World Class Beauty Queen:  What appearances have you done with your title? DUE TO CURRENT COVID SITUATION , I AM NOT ABLE TO MAKE PHYSICAL APPEARANCES WITH MY TITLE. World Class Beauty Queen:  What are some of your achievements? I have won an award as "McMillion Woods award 2019 as Women Innovation Entrepreneur 2019!" In a short span of 2 years, I have set up 3 companies in the ASEAN region in Fintech, Blockchain and Venture Capital from scratch and have hired more than 100 employees. I was also honored  LADY OF EXCELLENCE 2019 by the royal family of Indonesia . World Class Beauty Queen:  What is your on stage strategy to win Judges over? Confidence, Confidence and confidence!  World Class Beauty Queen:  What makes you stand out from all those other beautiful girls? I would say Confidence.

World Class Beauty Queen:  Tell us about the moment your name was called out as the winner! I was shocked and started thinking how I can help other women with my new found title! World Class Beauty Queen: What does it mean to you to be a Beauty Queen? A Beauty Queen is responsible to inspire other women to effect positive changes, she is a role model and a voice to speak for other women! World Class Beauty Queen:  How did competing in pageants helped your life? Beauty is hard work, a woman must always love and care for your body, mind and soul! World Class Beauty Queen:  How did pageants helped your self esteem and body image? I am more conscious of my weight and skin clarity, I know that I can do more to take care of myself! World Class Beauty Queen:  You are an inspiration to all the girls out there. How does it feel? I feel grateful for this opportunity and not to take it for granted! World Class Beauty Queen:  What are your tips for learning better pageant walks? Learning from past pageant winners and Youtube tutorials .

World Class Beauty Queen:  What are your tips for choosing the right pageant dress? Bring your mom! World Class Beauty Queen:  What are your tips for winning an interview? Always speak from your heart! World Class Beauty Queen:  How did you prepare for your competition? Time management and support system are important. My husband took care of the kids when I had to attend training for the pageant! World Class Beauty Queen:  What is one mistake that you've made during competing you wish you could redo and fix it! As it was my first pageant, I had little info and guidance, i guess it comes with experience! World Class Beauty Queen:  What other mistakes are made by girls during the contest? We were all trying our best. World Class Beauty Queen:  Any modeling or acting experience? No World Class Beauty Queen:  What are your plans for 2019 as a Queen? 2019 has been a challenging year to do much for women in the ASEAN region due to the COVID lock down. I plan to use my title to support women around or within my community whose life or family have been affected by the pandemic.  World Class Beauty Queen:  What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind? Inspiring my kids that hard work and respect is the key to success!

International Director : Beverly Tan 

National Director : Beverly Tan 

Local Director : Nareesha World Class Beauty Queens Magazine would like to say thank you for this amazing interview.

Kee Wern Shing Kymmie TKS Mrs Singapore ASEAN 2019, World Class Beauty Queens Magazine,

Interview by Derek Tokarzewski Owner/Editor in Chief Mr United Nations 2018 Platform: Women Empowerment Ambassador to International Foundation for Orphans

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